About Us

Learn about Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church

We are a church for this community!

We love Jesus and people

We are a diverse group of people who seek to follow Jesus Christ through worship, study and service to the community. We are more concerned about doing something important for the Kingdom of God than about being someone important.

We are mission minded and community-oriented. We are authentic but not perfect.


In its confessions, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) upholds the affirmations of the Protestant Reformation. The focus of these affirmations is God's grace in Jesus Christ as revealed in the Scriptures. The Protestant watchwords - grace alone, faith alone, Scripture alone - embody principles of understanding that continue to guide and motivate the people of God in the life of faith.

In its confessions, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) expresses the faith of the Reformed tradition. Central to this tradition is the affirmation of the majesty, holiness, and providence of God who in Christ and by the power of the Spirit creates, sustains, rules and redeems the world in the freedom of sovereign righteousness and love. There are many other great themes of the reformed tradition as well as new
opportunities for spiritual growth as you interact with ourcommunity of faith.


Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church is convinced that faith grows by doing. We are committed to helping you find ways to serve God that helps your faith grow. We teach our children and youth about God’s love and claim that for ourselves, and we live out that love in service to the community. Find out more about our programs for children, youth, adults, music, and service by reviewig these website pages, and pressing the "Plan Your Visit" button to directly interact with us..


Loving our neighbor, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Serving the world by creating disciples of Jesus Christ.

Core Values


Giving of ourselves through local and global outreach.



Reaching out to the least, the last, the lost.



Meeting the needs of the congregation through nurture and fellowship.



Christ Centered worship that includes prayer, music, biblical preaching relevant to today’s world.



Encouraging a life of stewardship by sharing our God-given blessings.



Discovering God in Christ through teaching the Word to all ages.



All are welcome.

Our History

Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church was chartered on October 23, 1966, and first met at the Seven Oaks Elementary School cafeteria. There were 71 members initially. In 1969 We completed the first phase of our construction along St. Andrews Road, a growing suburb of Columbia, SC. We met in our new, large Fellowship Hall for the first time in 1969. We also established a pre-school that year.
At that time, our membership had grown to 527 members, and by the end of 1974, to 779 members. We held our Worship services in Fellowship Hall. There were some times of controversy in our church in 1980, and when the Northern and Southern Presbyterian Churches were united, there was a group of members who decided to leave and form a new church. But our church remained strong and committed to our faith.

At the end of 1984, we had 488 members, with a new pastor who was committed to our rejuvenation. The Spirit led us to commit to building a new sanctuary, a beautiful building with a pipe organ and tall steeple to announce our presence to the community.


The first service was held on December 6. 1987. The ensuing years were both blessed and encountered the controversies that all churches were going through over human sexuality and social issues. We have been inspired by several strategic and faith-based initiatives over the years:


“Living Our Vision” was facility oriented, active involvement with Lexington Interfaith Communities and Habitat for Humanity, various successful stewardship campaigns, “Vision 2001”, a comprehensive strategic plan and facilities assessment, sponsoring missionaries and mission trips, a consistent commitment to tithing our budget, Carillion bells installed on our steeple, commitment to prayer and discernment, fund raisers for Youth mission trips, a significant facility improvement campaign called ”Rise Up and Build”, a robust men’s group called “The Lanterns”, support of a Scout Troop and an impactful back pack program, support for “Family Promise” that helped families stay to together until the breadwinner found a job, “MORE Justice, an interfaith initiative to hold community leaders and politicians accountable, the difficult decision to close our Kindergarten in in 2015, capital campaigns to re-roof our structures and significantly enhance our pipe organ, the installation of a new projection system for the sanctuary, a “ReShape” program where eight “grass roots” small groups developed over 500 action items for prioritization and discernment.


Like most mainline churches, we have declined in membership tour current level of 150, but it is a faithful, committed group of believers that provides a core through which God can work out His plan. Now, we look to the future as we seek a new pastor, and begin to engage the “digital church.”

Seven Oaks Presbyterian

Church Leadership

Jim Rowell

Interim Pastor

Karl Thompson

Building Superinendent

Lloyd Pilkington

Director of Music Ministry

Amy Schwartz

Nursery Coordinator 

Sharon Staton

Volunteer Financial Administrator

Sharon Watkins


Annah Hiers

Office Adminnistrator

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Seven Oaks Presbyterian Groups

Join one of our many groups


Seven Oaks Presbyterian believes that gathering together outside of worship plays an important role in our quest to become better disciples of Jesus. Listed below are the different types of groups that we have at Seven Oaks. VISITORS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND ANY OF THESE GROUPS. Advance registration is required for some of them, as indicated. Just call our church office for the particulars and please join us.

Permanent Groups

Seven Oaks Ministries: These groups are chaired by the ruling Elders of the church. If you are a member and interested in joining one of these ministries, please get in touch with the church office or the chair of that ministry.


Administration – Elizabeth Taylor

Buildings and Grounds – John Carter

Christian Education – Kathy Keane

Congregational Care – Bruce Hurley

Good News – Ed Keelen

Missions – Sharon Staton

Fellowship – Banks Robinson

Worship – Sharon Watkins


Sunday School

Sunday School: Sunday School classes are from 9:45 – 10:45 before worship.


Adult Classes: 

Fellowship Class -Meets in the Fellowship Classroom, first floor, building B.


Roads to Faith Class –Meets in the Session Room adjacent to Fellowship Hall.


Children’s Classes:

Godly Play – For ages 4 – 5th grade

Nursery – For ages 0 – 4



Youth Sunday School

Youth Group – Meets jointly with Westminster Presbyterian Church twice monthly, and just at Seven Oaks twice monthly. Youth group is a time for fellowship, forming relationships, fun, Biblical learning and service.


Choir –Meets Sunday morning 45 minutes before Worship.


Presbyterian Women:  All women that are members of Seven Oaks Presbyterian are a member of Presbyterian Women and are welcome and encouraged to participate at any time!!


Presbyterian Women’s Council – Officers of Seven Oaks Presbyterian Women.


Hannah Circle – Call the church office for meeting time and place.


Rachel Circle - Call the church office for meeting time and place.


Lanterns:  Men’s group from the church and community that meets Friday mornings at 6:45AM for a light breakfast, a devotional discussion, and prayer time. See their separate web page here.


Fellowship Meals  From time to time our Fellowship Ministry sponsors a church-wide meal followed by an informative, entertaining presentation by an outside group.

Shepherd's Group

Shepherd’s Group Each elder or prominent member of the church has been assigned individual members to watch over to make sure that their needs are being tended to. 


Mission/Service Groups: 

These groups are continuous and all are welcome to help serve our community. It is a “come when you can “ policy. Some groups meet each week, and others once a month or other times.


Love Revolution - This group meets weekly to feed those that need to eat. From 3:30 – 5:00 on Sundays, those that need a meal are served dishes that have been contributed to the church by members and the community. Love Revolution meets at the pavilion at the rear of our church.


Clothes Closet open 30 minutes before Love Revolution.


Backpack Program - Group that packs food for students at Seven Oaks Elementary that need food for the week-end.


Providence Men’s Home - Group that cooks, feeds, and socializes with the men at Providence Men’s home.  They provide a complete meal to the residents once a month.


Social Small Groups:

Book Club- Book Club meets the last Thursday of the month at 1:00 pm at Steve’s Deli. Books to be read are in the bulletin.  All are welcome – even if you haven’t read the book. 


Lunch Group – Meets at a different restaurant each month is announced in the bulletin and newsletter.  Margaret Royalls is the contact person to sign up with..   

Seasonal Small Groups

Seven Oaks has small interest groups throughout the year. Through small groups, relationships are formed with other members that you may not otherwise have the opportunity to spend time with. This past year (2023-24) we had small groups in the fall, late winter, and during Lent. These groups last from 4 –  8 weeks and sometimes longer. You are expected to commit to the group and come as often as you are able.


Some of our past small groups are as follows: Bible Studies, Book Studies, Small Town Adventures, Walking Club, “The Chosen” series, Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, Painting classes, Home Improvement Demonstrations, Gardening and Home Town Sunday Dinners– to name  a few.


Sign-ups are at the church before worship or other events, and online.